Are there any side effects?
Absolutely none. Zero. However you will experience better circulation and better health.
What kind of results can I expect?
Many people achieve immediate relief from certain pain and discomfort right away. For other individuals, it may take several sessions of deep-penetrating treatment before they’re fully relieved. Individual results may vary.
How long is a session?
Typical sessions with a therapist applying the therapy are fifty minutes.
How much is a session?
A 60-minute session is $150.
Will my health insurance cover my costs?
At this time we’re not accepting payment from insurance providers. The good news is—we’re working on it.
How do I begin my first therapy session?
It starts with a free consultation to understand what’s ailing you and what type of relief are you seeking. Then a tour of the facility and we answer any specific questions that you may have. From there, if you determine you’d like to experience a session—we schedule you in.
How many sessions do I need?
Obviously each individual is different, each ailment is different, and some see results quicker than others. But to fully reach the healing power of the therapy, it takes at the minimum one or two sessions before your body starts experiencing better circulation and improved health.